Thursday, March 18, 2010

Re-Imagining vs. Re-Make

In looking at the top releases for the last few months, as well as the upcoming blockbusters, it would appear that Hollywood truly has run out of ideas.  I find this disheartening, not because I believe for a minute that every story ever has been told, but because I have a sneaking suspicion that this is a direct result of Hollywood's reluctance to take a risk with film-making.  Add to this the slow agonizing death of the popularity of Independent Films, and you have a depression view of the movie world to come.

Still, while Avatar, Alice in Wonderland, and the upcoming Tron, Iron Man 2 and Karate Kid (oh yes, that happened) might speak to deeper issues within the inner workings of the entertainment world, there is merit to be found.  Having seen both Avatar and Alice (and for that matter, Sherlock Homes), while the over-arching idea might be familiar, each of these movies presented a new perspective in storytelling or cinematography that is innovative and in the case of Avatar, will most likely influence movies of its kind for many years to come. 

Which brings me to my point.  I hate remakes.  There is no reason to simply make a movie again because some actor or studio wants to cash in on a previously successful idea.  While Mara Wilson is positively adorable, there was nothing wrong with the original Miracle on 34th Street, and remaking it is an insult to the shoulders modern Hollywood stands on. 

However, I ADORE re-imagings.  If you can tell a story we've all heard before and still make it interesting and compelling because of some new technique, point of view, or historical significance, I will watch and devour with all the voracity of a hungry bulldog inhaling his kibble.  And I will love you forever.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Early One Morning...

There's something wonderful to me about being the only one awake in the house.  I used to stay up very late in order to accomplish this, because I grew up in a family of early risers.  Now that I live with people closer to my own age, I find that early to bed, early to rise makes Claire infinitely happier.  I find myself quoting Emily Bronte to myself quite frequently: ""A person who has not done one half his day's work by ten o'clock, runs a chance of leaving the other half undone."

Never you fear, at first I found it terribly annoying.  "What do you mean I can't sleep past 7 anymore?"  But now, it's just nice.  I can clean, surf the net, write, or just... be.  It's a little slice of alone time that is infinitely valuable to me.  Perhaps it comes from being an only child.  I had so much time to myself then.  At the time it was a lonely proposition, but now I find myself craving those few moments that I can spend in the company of none but me.

Not to mention that early mornings in the Winter/Spring of California hold something wonderful and magical for me.  The crisp gray skies, the calls of the crows in the ever-present eucalyptus trees, and the utter rarity of the noises other humans make.  When there's so little going on, it stretches out everything into utter clarity, so you can hear as each person heads to their car to start their day, drops something two houses down, or hits their snooze alarm one more time...

This is the quiet time.  Late nights on the weekends are usually filled with socializing, laughter, drinking, what have you, but Saturday morning is truly a no-man's-land of activity, and I love it.  I'm especially aware that in a few weeks... well, actually in a week, I won't get to hear it's song anymore, as Faire starts up and begins to take over my life until June.  So for today, I'll just enjoy it and appreciate what I have now.